
Iceland is losing it

Iceland is about to select its 21st Eurovision entry, and as I have kept half an eye on their endless selection procedure (isn't RUV a tiny bit afraid that 2,639 semi finals will leave the audience somewhat exhausted and fed up?), my spirits keep sinking and sinking. There is not much that leaves the old heart singing with joy when one listens through the potential entries.

I have always held Iceland were high in my personal ranking - they have been a neverending source of good pop music, fun performances and, sometimes, contribution that somewhat pushes the limits of this contest. This year, there is nothing to write home about.

I think I would be sort of pleased with Euroband, but I still think it is too early for a 90's revival. I never missed Culture Beat even once, and I don't think anyone else did either. And I am not sure if I should be happy about seeing Fridrik and Regina, two of my favourite singers, be shipped abroad with a song that is obviously lacking in most departments.

Not that I can blame the Icelandic for losing their grip, though. After 2005, when they were way ahead of everyone else and sent in the best dance track to date ever in Eurovision, only be rewarded with a shameful 16th place in the semi, I can't blame them for not giving it their all. (I don't CARE that her dress didn't work, that the camera work was a disaster, that Selma wasn't as confident as she should have been... Damn! Europe should have voted for her anyway!)

Selma - If I Had Your Love - Iceland 2005
16/25 in the semi final


eurofivestar said...

Äsch. I like Fulkomid lif :-)

Tobias said...

Well, I don't dislike it. But I can't see it going anywhere.

Schlagerboys said...

The Schlagerboys miss Culture Beat... and will be voting for Euroband. Well, we would if we were Icelandic and lived in Rekyavik...

Tobias said...

Well, of course the Schlagerboys loves Euroband. If you didn't, I would be seriously concerned. :D