
Super Saturday coming up

For the people with strong nerves and a solide psyche, this weekend will offer loads of fun in Euroland. Before Saturday is over, we will have eight more entries to complete the line-up in Belgrade. So, when Saturday turns into Sunday, we will be able to judge a great deal better if this is a strong year or if it is all turning into mush, doom and gloom.

I must admit that I don't have complete overview of the contenders so far. I am totally unable to determine whether things look good or not, but I do have a sneaky feeling somewhere in my old bones that we could be looking at possibly the weakest load of entries since 2004. Some songs are good, far too many are just OK, and far too many are truly disastrous.

Hopefully, it will make less of a mess than in 2004 - if things work out as planned, most of the rubbish will stay in the semis, where they can't hurt ordinary, decent, tax-paying people.

So, get on with it Bulgaria, Croatia, Iceland, Ireland, FYR Macedonia, Poland, Romania and the Ukraine: give us your best shots. Will we see a winner coming from any of these?

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