
Queen Birthe

I am so wrapped up in work this week, and that is the main reason for the lack of updates from my side. But miss Posh, what is your excuse?

However, I must make at least one statement per day, or I would feel ill. So I will treat you all to Queen Birthe, one of my overall favourites. I have loved every inch of her ever since she won the 1989 Danish final, the first one I followed via radio. I had heard a few of her songs before, and loved her winning entry from the opening bar.

So, here are three out of Birthe's five MGP entries. To quote Posh: Love them or die. Birthe deserves your love, and lots of it.

Birthe Kjaer - Vil du med? - Denmark NF 1986

Birthe Kjaer - Hva' er du ude på? - Denmark NF 1987

Birthe Kjaer - Vi maler byen rød - Denmark

1 comment:

Marvin said...

Gosh, there is really much worthwhile data here!
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