
(No)Mad in the night

Also the Lithuanians have selected and what is one to say? Of course Lithuania does not have much of a reputation to live up to. Croatia used to send in pop classics, stopped doing so and made me angry. Whatever Lithuania contributes, I watch with mild amusement. And sometimes it is really good.

Sometimes it is also really bad.

As for this year's offering, I can't make my mind up. Maybe it is brilliant. There is at least an attempt at doing a chorus, and I applaud that in this year of unsingable songs. The guy does obviously have a voice, but to me it seems he and the backing track are sometimes doing different songs.

In short - this could grow on me, or I could start detesting it. At least it awakes some kind of emotion in me, and I am not averse to that. Keep going, Lithuania!

Jeronimas Milius - Nomads In The Night - Lithuania 2008

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