
Genius @ work

I have been very quiet on this front lately, right? No worries, I did not crash and burn after the national selection season, I have just been extremely busy working in Euroland, finding no energy to spend here.

Sorry, sorry, but I hope you will find my efforts rewarding anyway.

What I have done is to complete the background information for the Swedish Eurovision previews that will start airing on SVT and FST5 late April and that we shot Tuesday and Wednesday in Stockholm.

A panel consisting of Thomas Lundin, Thomas Järvheden, Babben Larsson, Shirley Clamp and Lena Philipsson will pass judgement on the 43 competing entries, handing out marks between 0 - 5 to every contender. Five means incredibly good and zero means, more or less, insulting.

Without giving too much away, I can safely guarantee enjoyable watching, with a panel consisting of very different tempers and approaches towards the entries, but who all go into their task with enthusiasm and intelligence.

Will they enrage the eurofans? Of course they will. A few of the fan favourites will get some serious bashing, but then some others will get plenty of votes all around. And what will this Swedish/Finnish panel make of the chances of Sweden and Finland?

Excitement is rising to fever pitch, and this is surely must-see television. And I am happily back in the world of blogs.

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