
Becks on Hungary

Csézy - Candlelight 3/5

Almost ten years ago, I found my first copy of Barbra Streisand's "Gulity" and the revolution was a fact. Impeccably produced, impeccably sung, elegant and sophisticated. My mind wanders to Barbra every time I hear the Hungarian entry.

It is, simply, breathtakingly elegant, especially when it is presented to you with such a lavish video clip. Csézy herself is also more like an elf than a regular singer, with a remarkable presence and emotion.

So why isn't it a full fiver? Mainly because it gets a bit too elegant for its own good. Elegant lives next door to Cold and Distant. This is not the song that will reach out and grab you, slap you and toss you around the room. Probably a bit too well-behaved to go far.

In the final?
No, I think it will get close but loose out by a few points. But it will live all summer on the more mature radio stations of Europe.


Alexander said...

Little doubt, the dude is completely fair.
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Shaun said...

Thanks so much for this article, pretty useful material.
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